Archive for the ‘picture post’ Category


Visual Pleasure.. *sigh*

July 8, 2007

refresh magazine


Love Bunny :.

May 14, 2007

mr fusion

So cuteeeee! Eeeeeee!

His name is Mr. Fusion. He belongs to Tofu from I can has cheezburger.

I just want to snuggles him. And huggles him. Eeeeee!


Serenity Comics :.

May 14, 2007

For visual reference.

Basically, there are 3 issues, each issue has 3 covers. All 9 covers are illustrated by different artists.

serenity x9

The collected version, also known as the Trade Paper Back, is Serenity: Those Left Behind.

those left behind


I don’t deserve you.. :.

May 7, 2007


Thank you for being so patient and kind.. and for loving me..


No small irony :.

May 7, 2007

you make bunny cry!

There’s one three letter word missing in that picture..

Click on the pic for more funny captioned kitty and bunny peektures..


Ross Edgley a.k.a Homina, homina :.

May 7, 2007

ross edgley

Ross Edgley is a former Great Britain Water Polo player and national swimmer who turned model and fitness writer. Ross has just set up his own website to give free fitness and nutrition advice to people in an attempt to combat the problem of obesity :: ::

He’s all that and a bag of chips.. er.. celery..  His site is worth checking for the fitness articles, and the gallery.. (especially the gallery!)