Archive for the ‘Whedon is my master now’ Category


1 of 750 :.

September 22, 2007

I think y’all know by now, I’m a Browncoat. A very proud one. And I like to collect stuff associated with Firefly/Serenity. A few months ago, I ordered one of the Limited Edition run of Serenity Blueprints, and I had been patiently waiting for the little yellow card that meant that I could go to the post office, and collect my precious. The months came and went, and I was sad.. because I was afraid they had gotten lost in the mail. The Post Office hadn’t let me down yet, and I was hoping they wouldn’t let me down this time either.

And they didn’t.. because I got a pink card in the mail today.. you know the ones that say 2nd Reminder, and I didn’t remember receiving the first card.. But I didn’t dare hope..

But when I saw the long poster tube coming towards me, I just hella excited.. Like little girl in a candy shop excited. I nearly squee-ed in front of the entire post office.

If you’re wondering what the big deal is, it’s this:

Serenity blueprints (click to embiggen)

It’s detailed blueprints of ‘Serenity’, signed by the creators, Geoffrey Mandel (Serenity graphic designer) and Tim Earls (Serenity set designer). Everything you would ever want to know about the beloved Firefly class ship.. and mighty useful, if you ever wanted to build a ship.. hehe.. Were I a rich girl, I would totally build a full size replica treehouse (or “treeship”) for me.. er, my kids to run around in.. Nah! Who needs kids.. just me, Me, ME!

There were 750 pieces in the limited edition, and I have one of them.. Which is really damn shiny.

My next pet purchase is going to be a set of Ship’s Papers.. you know.. in case I ever build that replica size ship, and some purplebellies from the Alliance decide to give me hassle..  For now I can only drool from afar.. Click here to check out the gallery..

No power in the ‘Verse can stop me!


Whedon on auction! (Flan Rant Part II) :.

June 28, 2007

AUGH!!! For the Merciful Love of …..

The Whedon himself…  on eBay.. could anything be any cooler? (Well, Hayden Christensen in my bed would be top of my list..  but anywayyyy.. )

Joss Whedon eBay

Click on the image for more details.

San Diego, I hate you!

Man, this is like.. the 3rd time today I’ve been really disappointed..

First of all, I was the last to know about one of my special peoples coming back home. And that person has met with everyone but me. I no feel speshul no more.

2ndly, I found this heinously cool shirt on eBay, ‘It’s Not The Jedi Way,’ and the seller don’t ship overseas. I cried, begged and cajoled. To no avail… *sigh*

And the third and the biggest one would be the above thingy…

Oh for bleedin’ %$#&!!! sakes…

Powers that be, it ain’t that I’m ungrateful for all y’all blessings and stuff.. but y’know.. I’m just waiting for the shitstorm of the last 7 years to pass over, and it looks like there ain’t no end in sight..  I’m just wondering.. if y’know.. you could send a few of those clear sky days my way.. I’d be mighty grateful, and some of us that have been suffering more than most would like to see the light at the end of the tunnel, cos there sure ain’t been one for so long..


All Hail The Whedon! :.

June 23, 2007

It’s Joss’ birthday today.. I was gonna honour the great master by staying in and having a total Whedon-fest.. Watching Firefly, Serenity, Toy Story, and dig out my old VHS Season 1 & 2 of the Buffster. But as it turned out.. I have other plans now.

It seems that some of the sellers on eBay have cottoned on to this fact, and started selling some great stuff..

There’s an auction for a brand spanking new ‘Firefly’ Promo crate with all sorts of cool goodies… These are hard to find because they were sent out as promos for the then new series.. All proceeds go to Equality Now, one of Joss’ favourite causes. I’d give my eye-teeth to get my hands on it.. Heh.. geddit? Eye-teeth? Vampire? Anyone? *sigh* Nvm..  Clickies here to check it out.

For those collecting the Serenity comics :

1) A signed Bryan Hitch Jayne Cobb Variant.

2) A Summer Glau signed River Tam Variant.

3) A set of 1-3 Serenity Comics w/ Cast signed poster. 

There’s also a crew jacket, an Adam Baldwin signed Serenity t-shirt, and other great stuff.. If you’re a Firefly-Serenity collector, it’s worth taking a few minutes to search for this stuff to add to your collection.

Meanwhile, in Browncoat friendly places in the ‘Verse, they’re holding screenings of ‘Serenity’ and ‘Can’t Stop The Serenity’ events… *sigh* in honor of Joss’ birthday and to raise money for ‘Equality Now.’

So whatever you’re doing, I hope you’re having a great day. Joss.. Happy Birthday..


The Long Way Home – Buffy Season 8 :.

June 21, 2007

Fortunately, when Buffy The Vampire Slayer finished it’s televised run, it would not be the last that we would hear from the world’s favourite Slayer..

Joss Whedon, working with Dark Horse Comics, is releasing Season 8, through the medium of comic books.. The first story arc, ‘The Long Way Home’, was just completed on June 8th, and I received my set of 11 Buffy comics yesterday.. I had ordered all the different variant covers, because they are so amazingly beautiful..

Read the rest of this entry ?


Buffy Autographed Teen Costume Auction :.

June 7, 2007

Here’s a rare find for you Buffy fans, an autographed ‘Prophecy Girl’ teen costume on eBay,  signed by Nicholas Brendon, Alexis Denisoff, Nathan Fillion AND Joss Whedon!

I’m not sure if it’s real though.. but if it was.. That’s a find and a half!

Bid as of now is US$50, 9 days left in auction.

I for one, will not be bidding.. but good luck to anyone who is!

Oh yeah, I sent this to Whedonesque to see if them peoples would post it.. So if you have lots of competition.. NOT MY FAULT!


When a guy loves a geek :.

June 7, 2007

Dear readers,

When it comes to love, I hope you will find someone who loves you full and complete, who will absolutely do anything to make you happy, even though that person doesn’t really understand it.

Read the rest of this entry ?


Joss Whedon signed prop stake :.

June 5, 2007

Here’s one for both Buffy and Firefly/Serenity fans..

A Joss Whedon signed replica prop stake..  Everybody say OOOHH!

There’s about two days left in the auction.. and as of now, it’s going for just about Au$57.

Still cheap, methinks.. for a Joss Whedon autograph..

It’s soooo tempting.. But I’d have a hard time explaining to the customs officials here why I would want a big stick with a signature on it.

Oh mannnn.. I waaannnnttttt… *sigh* But I’m saving up for a very, very special Father’s day/Appreciation gift for my Dad..  It’s only a signed stake anyway.. *sssiiiiiggggghhhh*


Sweet surprises are made of these.. :.

May 30, 2007

 Who doesn’t like surprises in the mail? I ask you, who?

As I was at the post office this morning, opening the parcel for the customs lady, I was wondering what it was because I hadn’t ordered anything on the Internet recently.. and certainly not books, as was listed on the parcel label.. I nearly fainted when I opened up to find..

Read the rest of this entry ?


I love parcels :.

May 24, 2007

I especially love parcels with Serenity stuff in them..

Yay! My Serenity Alliance Currency Pack w/ Map o’ Miranda arrived today.. *woosh* Brilliantly fast shipping..

Now am thinking how to display it.. Might want to make a shadowbox thing out of it..

Or frame it even…

Either way, if Mal and his crew ever stop by this side of the ‘Verse.. I’ll have the credits to pay him.. heee!


Nightmares and Sweet Dreams :.

May 24, 2007

I guess the universe has its own way of balancing things out..

Yesterday, I had a nightmare, I had driven out to see my cousin, and after a short but sweet visit, I came out of her house, and Serenity was nowhere to be seen! I searched high and low, and absolutely no one would help me.. and I was crying my eyes out for my beloved car.. just when I had given up..  I awoke with a start… For a second, I panicked.. thinking Serenity was still gone.. I actually ran out in my jammies onto the balcony just to check she was still in her parking space..  Like Mal, to me, Serenity = Freedom, and she means a lot to me.. The panic that my dream self felt really manifested..  I just felt edgy for the rest of the day…

As if to make up for yesterday, today I dreamt I was in New York, browsing through a famous bookstore.. looking for all the books on my wishlist, and while in the Graphic novels section, who did I bump into.. None other than Joss Whedon himself.. I was instant fangirl.. I broke down and wept and told him my whole story about being a Browncoat.. and Dream Joss actually went and bought me the entire list’s worth of books, and signed them, and said he was going to write me in as a character into his next project.. *sigh* Oh how I wish…

I almost can’t wait to go to sleep again to find out what I’ll dream of next…


Flan Rant (Where do you think Brunei is?):.

May 21, 2007

It’s hard being a Browncoat at the edges of the ‘Verse.. or in this case, on the other side of the world.. in a country uninformed people think is:

a) in the Middle East (no, Brunei is NOT Dubai & just because oil is our main export doesn’t mean we each have an oil well in our backyards)

b) full of lush tropical jungle so that must mean that the residents live in trees (like wtf? I have Internet, so explain THAT!)

c) Muslim Extremists (Hayll no! I draw your attention to the country’s full name which is Brunei Darussalam, Darussalam meaning ‘Abode Of Peace.’)

d) Dar-el-Salaam in Tanzania (It has happened, my family was once stopped in London Heathrow because the officials there couldn’t read AND were cavemen, like, Hello! You work at an INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. We nearly missed our connecting flight thanks to them!)

For more information about my beloved country, clickies here please.

Anyway, the reason for this rant is that, I realise I am at a disadvantage when it comes to buying stuff over teh Intarwebs, namely Firefly & Serenity stuff.. I’ve discovered that a lot of dealers on eBay won’t ship here, or they’re giving me a hard time with Money Orders and the like.. Ugh. Were it not for my almost fanaticism (or maybe I just have a highly addictive personality, either way, it’s the almost crazies), I would have long given up on collecting stuff..

I am just personally peeved because Zz is having a hard time with a vendor on eBay.. all because of me..

You know those Serenity comics I wanted? Well, Zz, the sweetheart, did some detective work, and managed to track down someone with the full set of 9 to sell.. and he won the auction.. only now.. The vendor says he can’t ship them because Brunei is not listed in the shipping calculator.. SAY WHAT? And he won’t ship to Malaysia neither, because Zz’s eBay account was registered in the UK.. so apparently he can only ship it to the UK, EH?

*Insert a lot of bad words here* So now Zz’s stressed out and disappointed.. and though I reassure him that it’s the thought and effort that counts.. I can’t help but feel disappointed myself.. as I REALLY WANT THOSE COMICS! *Grrrr!* What, do I have to move to the States or something to be a Browncoat?

My other peeve :
firefly serenity convention banner


It’s in Burbank, California on October 27th -28th. On the weekend of my birthday, there’ll be a Stargate one, same place..

You know, what sucks about it.. it’s that, as a single woman, who has no obligation and the freedom to travel where she likes, will not be able to go because I’m still under my parents thumb.. Yeah, it’s just the way things work around here folks.. And being out here.. I’m the only Firefly Serenity fan that I know of.. and who is hardcore enough to want to go.. Can you feel my frustration?

I know Zz would go with me for the sake of letting me go.. But it’s not the same as going with a fan (and I know he will get bored..) and his job means that he can’t accompany me.. Oy, The sucketh.

Maybe I need to find a new obsession..


drool, drool, drool, *DROOLS* :.

May 18, 2007

Serenity Props and costumes used in the movie being sold at The Prop Store



Swag for Browncoats :.

May 15, 2007

Calling all Browncoats/Flans.. (Firefly Fans.. as Nathan Fillion put it..)

Some stuff on eBay you should not be missing out on!

Nathan Fillion Autographed Serenity Comic with Certificate fo Authenticity(COA)

Adam Baldwin Autographed Serenity Comic with COA 

Ron Glass Autographed Serenity Comic with COA 

Diamond Comic Con Unpainted Jayne Cobb Action Figure 

Custom Etched Serenity/Firefly shot glasses – Good for any collector! Or for use!

QMx Serenity Alliance Currency Money Pack (Fan Club Exclusive Edition)

There are a few dozen more items I’d recommend.. but I’m watching them on eBay for myself.. haha.. so it’s up to you to find them.. But these would be excellent additions to any collection or good gifts for a Browncoat.. *hint, hint*

Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down…” – Malcolm Reynolds, Serenity


Serenity Comics :.

May 14, 2007

For visual reference.

Basically, there are 3 issues, each issue has 3 covers. All 9 covers are illustrated by different artists.

serenity x9

The collected version, also known as the Trade Paper Back, is Serenity: Those Left Behind.

those left behind


For the love of a geek.. :.

May 14, 2007

I love how Zz knows that he can’t separate the girl from the geek.. He’s pretty understanding when it comes to me getting all excited about the new “Buffy Season 8” comic books, or swooning over signed scripts and other stuff that he probably doesn’t ‘get.’ I totally appreciate that he doesn’t give me that “Oh God, not again!” crap when I start waxing lyrical about ‘Firefly’ and ‘Serenity.’

But.. you gotta love a guy who actually goes out on a limb to make his geek girlfriend happy…

I was telling Zz about the ‘Serenity’ and ‘Buffy Season 8’ comics the other day.. It was a rather long-winded whinge on my part.. on how I didn’t live in the U.S and I miss out on all the good collectibles and comic books and how I’ll never be able to get my hands on them, yada-yada, etc. He tried to cheer me up, and asked that if he could get them, would they be included in my ‘hantaran’ (dowry).. The thought of a bunch of comic books on a cloth covered silver tray, amongst handbags, shoes and the like made me giggle so much, that I completely cheered up.. And that was the end of that discussion.

I was surprised when Zz called me up this morning to ask me about the “Buffy” and “Serenity” comics.. and he asked me if I wanted him to look for them, because he had friends in the U.S with connections who were willing to help..

My heart totally skipped two beats.. I wanted to say no to his offer, because it was so much trouble, but the geek inside said, “Don’t be a sagua, say YES!” I just love that he’s making so much effort to do this.. even though it’s something that he’s not remotely interested in..

You know what, suddenly that thought about comic books as a hantaran, as ridiculous as it may seem, means so much more to me than anything else those silver trays could contain.. Other women can have their Gucci shoes, Coach and LV handbags, M.A.C makeup and yards and yards of ‘kain’.. but this girl would be ten times happier with a bunch of comicbooks, specially found because somebody loved her enough to look for them for her..

I am just so gorram lucky..