Archive for the ‘peekture’ Category


Sexy Sheppard :.

August 22, 2007

Everyone just pause, and look. *sigh*

John Sheppard

Lt. Col. John Sheppard comes in second of my list of Sci-Fi hotties.. The first of course, being Dr. Daniel Jackson (yummy Michael Shanks!), but since his series is now defunct, I only have Atlantis to keep me warm at night. And boy, does it ever!

Yes, I fancy Joe Flanigan, even if his little stint on ‘Dawson’s Creek’ did seriously creep me out. I didn’t think I was going to like Atlantis because of my love for SG-1, but I find the show seriously refreshing and entertaining. And the fact that Joe Flanigan and Paul McGillion are so easy on the eyes does help.. (Not to mention Beckett’s delicious Scottish accent, it’s enough to make a girl’s legs go weak..)

I’m just starting to watch Season 2 of Atlantis after finishing Season 9 of SG-1. I’m really, really trying to hold off viewing Season 10 for as long as possible. I’ve already read the episode summaries on, so it’s not like I don’t know what’s going on.. (Yeah, it’s weird, I actually like plot spoilers before I watch something.. I think it’s cos I’m a Global thinker..) , but I can’t bear to watch it because I know it’s the end. And I have only more Atlantis to look forward to.. well, and waiting for the DVD movies to come out..

In the meanwhile, I’m really liking Atlantis, so much so, I did the geek thing and ordered a couple of the Atlantis Decals for my laptop.. so it looks all cool, just like the laptops in Atlantis… Yup, I think I’m ready for the Atlantis Expedition.. Daedalus, take me away!


Visual Pleasure.. *sigh*

July 8, 2007

refresh magazine


Sweet surprises are made of these.. :.

May 30, 2007

 Who doesn’t like surprises in the mail? I ask you, who?

As I was at the post office this morning, opening the parcel for the customs lady, I was wondering what it was because I hadn’t ordered anything on the Internet recently.. and certainly not books, as was listed on the parcel label.. I nearly fainted when I opened up to find..

Read the rest of this entry ?


Twelve Inches of Wentworth Miller.. :.

May 25, 2007

Get that dirty mind of yours out of the gutter! 😉

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, everybody’s favourite inmate has been made into a doll an action figure..

action figure

(Sorry for the fuzzy image, it was all that was available!)

Now everybody can have their own Wentworth.. all for the low, low cost of USD$110 a pop.

Right now, the Hong-Kong based company are taking pre-orders.. Starts shipping in August. Click on the picture for more details..

Get your own Wentworth…


So kewttt!

May 19, 2007


I like this peekture cos I is havin’ black kitteh too.. Story by Tiny Cheezburger below. So funneh.

black cat

This was The Catburger, just last night. Mind you, he had already eaten his dinner an hour before.

I was opening a can of beans (to make bean salad) with the hand-crank can opener, and: “HAI!” *happitail* “IS FOR MEEH?” “No, kitteh, is beans. You no eat beans.” “Ok, momma, I go back to bedroom now.”

Two minutes later, after rinsing and draining the first can of beans, I open another. Magic Catburger appears again. “Hai momma, I just KNOW that one is for MEEH.” “No, kitteh, is still beans.” *siiiiiiiigh* “Ok, momma, I go back to bedroom again. Stop teezin.”

Third can of beans is being opened … no Catburger. So I was left to make the rest of my dinner in peace, figuring he learned that I had nothing for him. But when I sat down with my meal, out from nowhere comes The Catburger. “Y, HALLOOOOOOO THAR. Got somefin’ fur meeeh?”

Him Catburger is has a one-track mind … all routes eventually lead to his belli.


Love Bunny :.

May 14, 2007

mr fusion

So cuteeeee! Eeeeeee!

His name is Mr. Fusion. He belongs to Tofu from I can has cheezburger.

I just want to snuggles him. And huggles him. Eeeeee!


Serenity Comics :.

May 14, 2007

For visual reference.

Basically, there are 3 issues, each issue has 3 covers. All 9 covers are illustrated by different artists.

serenity x9

The collected version, also known as the Trade Paper Back, is Serenity: Those Left Behind.

those left behind


Simon Tam, is the man :.

May 12, 2007

Hehe… Sean Maher arrived today in the mail.. YAY!

I wish I was talking about how the real Sean arrived in a box and popped out, yelled “Surprise!” and hugged me and said he wanted to live with me forever and ever..

This will have to do though:

sean maher

It’s a picture autographed by Sean. Yay. The first piece of my Firefly collection arrives home!

*rubs hands with glee!* Oh, I is cannot waiting for rest to arrive!


Serenity Love X 10 :.

May 10, 2007

Only a Browncoat would appreciate this..

signed script

It’s a autographed full length script that was used in the studio production. *hands shake*

Signed by all 9 principal cast members and The Whedon himself.

*we’re not worthy!*

Top: Ron Glass (Shephard Book), Summer Glau (River Tam). Middle, Clockwise : Alan Tudyk (Hoban “Wash” Washburne), Jewel Staite (Kaylee Frye), Joss Whedon, Adam Baldwin (Jayne Cobb), Morena Baccarin (Inara Serra), Gina Torres (Zoe Washburne). Bottom: Sean Maher (Simon Tam), Nathan Fillion (Mal Reynolds).

This is the stuff Browncoat dreams are made of…


srsly.. :.

May 8, 2007

I was surfing the I can has cheezburger? site until late last night.. cos I was in serious need of giggles. Yeah, I was chuckling well into the lateness with all of the kitty, doggy and bunny peektures.. so funny. And definitely cute. Here’s another one of my favourites.. The cat is gorgeous.. and I love the eyes.. The story reminds me only too well of the morning commutes in London too.. hehe

cat on a bus


A wasted youth is better by far.. :.

May 8, 2007

.. than a wise and productive old age.. So Meatloaf says. I’m inclined to agree. I feel like wasting some youth here!

Because of all the new responsibilities and the coming-of-age/older-and-wiser vibe I’ve been giving out.. I’m feel like doing something stupid, just to balance all the chi. Like walk around in one of my geek t-shirts, sporting a bad-ass temporary tattoo on my neck. Yeah.. could you imagine the hell that would break loose? Okay, I’m not original, I did get the idea from Josh Harnett..

neck tattoo

But the idea is so m.f cool. I’m thinking either a dragon or a rose would be pretty sweet.. Hehe.. right, next party I’m going to, I know what I’m wearing!


I don’t deserve you.. :.

May 7, 2007


Thank you for being so patient and kind.. and for loving me..


No small irony :.

May 7, 2007

you make bunny cry!

There’s one three letter word missing in that picture..

Click on the pic for more funny captioned kitty and bunny peektures..